On the Preservation of Species:

A Logical Argument in Support of a Rational Basis for Community including Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Sustainable Happiness for All Sentient Beings in a Hypothetical World

1989 -

The copyright has been removed from this book in recognition of  the principles of Ethical Use of the Public Domain and Open Source philosophy.  I expect that decent people will not abuse the content to change the meaning or intent.  The reader can determine what I mean by ‘decent’ by reading the book.

Thomas L Wayburn

Table of Contents


Chapter 1.   Toward a Rational Social Contract

Chapter 2.   Emergy and Economics

Chapter 3.  Toward Axiomatic Morality

Chapter 4.   Philosophical Assumptions or Articles of Faith

Chapter 5.   Materialism

Chapter 6.   Tyranny

Chapter 7.   Geophagy

Chapter 8.   Falsity

Chapter 9.  Materialism Is Pandora’s Box.

Chapter 10.  Proofs of Theorems

Chapter 11.  A Reformed Society with a Natural Economy

Chapter 12.  How Social Change Might Occur

Appendix I.  Fundamentals of Thermodynamics

Appendix II.  Social Evils

Appendix III.  Some Reasonable Objections Considered